Upcoming District Meeting!

Sunday, January 19th, 2025 – Bell St Intergroup House – 432 W Bell St, Statesville, NC 28677 – 1pm Fellowship / Program | 2pm Business Meeting.

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We are glad you are here.

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What is District 21?

To best coordinate the efforts of our regional and local AA groups, states are divided into districts. District 21 is comprised of the Davie, Rowan, and Iredell Counties and help with the hand of AA being there for others in places such as correctional facilities, treatment centers, in public events, and for other such events.


Each group elects a General Service Representative (GSR) to represent their group voice at quarterly meetings. GSR’s vote at the meetings and take upcoming news back to their groups.


The district has a District Committee Member (DCM) who serves as the voice of the district taking the input from the GSR’s and bringing it to the state level.




By focusing on others


One day at a time.

Serenity does not mean freedom from the storm but rather peace within the storm

If you are ready to leave the high cost of low living, come walk with us one day at a time.

– Spoken within the rooms of AA

Need to Talk?

Crisis line numbers are available if you need to talk.

Need Help?

We need you to call 911. Know when to ask for help.